Now Create a folder where you will put your Objective-C code files. I have created a folder named 'Example1' in the following path
Then I have created the following files for this simple project
filename: Myclass.h
This file declares a Interface for the MyClass object
@interface MyClass:NSObject{
int n;
-(void) setn: (int) a;
-(int) getn;
-(int) sum: (int) a andb: (int) b andc:(int)c;
In the above code I have create a class name MyClass. MyClass is inherited from the NSObject class The MyClass has one instance integer variable 'n' and three instance methods.
file: MyClass.m
This file implements the MyClass Object
#import "Myclass.h"
@implementation MyClass
- (void) setn: (int) a
{ n=a; }
-(int) getn { return n; }
- (int) sum: (int) a andb: (int) b andc:(int)c
{ return a+b+c; }
This the main program file
int main()
MyClass *class = [[MyClass alloc]init];
[class setn: 5];
[class release];
return 0;
Now type the following text in your opened shell prompt ('msys.bat')
$ cd /c/Object-C/Example1
It will take you to the folder where all codes are
$ ls
Now type the following command in the prompt
$ gcc -o Myclass Myclass.m main.m -I /c/GNUStep/GNUStep/System/Library/Headers -L /c/GNUStep/GNUStep/System/Library/Libraries -lobjc -lgnustep-base
A new file Myclass.exe will be created in the Example1 folder.
run the Myclass.exe file
see the output
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